
School Behaviour plan

At École Parc Élementaire, we believe that all students have the right to learn. It is, therefore, our aim to establish and maintain a positive school climate in which:

• All students feel safe, valued and happy
• Appropriate behaviour and self-control are consistently encouraged
• Consequences for inappropriate or disruptive behavior will be fairly and consistently applied
• Frequent communication exists between the staff and parents, so as to encourage and provide the
opportunity for active and constructive parental involvement in the education of their child; (methods
of communication include School Messenger, our website, email, twitter and student agendas)
• There is a joint effort to learn and a feeling of mutual respect among staff, students and parents.

While the ultimate responsibility lies with the student, there are shared responsibilities for staff and parents.

Student Responsibilities - Students have the responsibility to respect the rights and dignity of others, and be actively and productively involved in their own academic and social achievement. In accordance with Section 12 of the Alberta School Act, students are expected to conduct themselves so as
to comply with the following code of conduct:

a) Be diligent in pursuing their studies
b) Attend school regularly and punctually
c) Co-operate fully with everyone authorized by the Board to provide education programs and
other services
d) Comply with the rules of the school
e) Account to his/her teacher for his/her conduct
f) Respect the rights of others

Staff Responsibilities – Staff is responsible for establishing a positive school climate in which structure,
support, respect and encouragement is provided to assist the student both in understanding the importance of education, and in developing positive character virtues. This is a climate in which staff works with students so that:

• Students feel safe, important and trusted and have the opportunity to develop, assume and
maintain responsibility and self-motivation
• There is a feeling of mutual respect among staff, students and parents
• Students are provided encouragement and positive support for appropriate behaviour
• Ongoing communication exists between staff and parents to involve all stakeholders in the
education of students
Parent Responsibilities – Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children are ready to learn, and to
help them make good academic progress by:
• Establishing a positive learning atmosphere in the home
• Supporting the staff in carrying out school policies and procedures, and assisting children to
understand, respect and follow school rules
• Attending meetings with the school staff when parental involvement is necessary to assist a
student such as Student/Parent/Teacher conferences
• Keeping the staff apprised of necessary emergency contact phone numbers so that parents
may be reached when needed
• Maintaining communication with staff regarding learning and/or behavioural issues

Parent Responsibilities - Parents are expected to honor the Elk Island Public Schools’ Credo by appreciating and respecting the roles and responsibilities of all staff members. Parents with a concern about their child’s progress and/or behavior should communicate directly and reasonably with the classroom teacher at a convenient time to avoid classroom interruptions. Should the concern not be resolved, a parent is welcome to bring the issue to the attention of the administration. As administrators are often in the classroom, it is appreciated that parents contact the school to arrange an appointment. This will allow the issue to be addressed in a timely manner and with the attention it deserves.